what I have written below is mainly based on incidents, accounts and information cited by my friends, people I know like the hotel guy, bhel walah etc. Would take no responsibility for the contents of this Blog
continuation from my earlier blog...
Now lets have a look at the mob mentality. It is always said, the mob has a mind of its own. But whats that mind ? it is a collective manifestation of the individual desires, feelings and of course a sense of invincibility, for no one can identify the perpetuator. A grope here, a pinch there has always been the problem for women since a very long time. But this was more sporadic. Never took this mammoth proportion.
Now let us examine the buildup to this. Where did this happen ? an one of the most posh locations on Mumbai. What were the hooligans doing there ? Firstly they had nothing better to do on New year night, than loiter around aimlessly. They certainly do not have enough money to enter the party, nor do they have company, and stags are not allowed (and should not be). What else can they do ? loaf around. eve tease. Now this group of people reach an area which has a lot skimpily clad girls, who are probably bold enough to be explicit on the roads, as far displaying your affection is concerned. whats is the direct result on these people? when they can why cant we ? This has been a problem with the Indian youth for quite some time now. Then why did it not happen earlier to 2 years, never in this manner? There was a place where these people had a chance to satisfy their needs. Which though an evil was a necessary one. Yup the infamous Dance Bar of Mumbai. I am sure if anyone did read this blog they would twitch their noses and frown. But they cannot deny this fact. What else could explain a sudden rise in incidents of this kind. I did ask some of my commies who had been to such a place. All of them seemed to agree on one thing, Sex was cheap (in both senses of this word) in such a place. On one fine day, the goverment of Maharashtra, think it is a social evil and BANG! close the doors leaving everyone high and dry. But the most of the inmates of these bars, being what they are , either migrated to different places or to some safe havens outside the city. I myself once saw such a group when traveling out of Mumbai. I sure did eavesdrop some talk between the 2 people who were sitting behind me, confirming my suspicion. But what has this got to do with this molestation ? Everything. The migration and ghetto-istic attitude of these people has made them inaccessible to the people who have caused this incident. Secondly the arrival of the "escort" agencies have corporatized this oldest profession in the world. What has this meant? this has resulted in more classy and glossy facade on this, as made up and surely more expensive version of the these people. Finally, without proper location to do whatever they want to, has led to these girls demanding hotel room or a flat and ofcourse some good drinks. This has surely whisked these people away from the masses and into the hands of a few perverted classes. Secondly there is no avenue to vent the desired of these people who are mainly migrant workers, who have stayed away from their families for years together due to various job related problems. No TV, No Dance bars and certainly no money to pay for a good time. This has resulted in a rise in assaults on women.
In my view the single most important reason for this incident in spotlight is the closure of Dance bars. I am sure the government had good intentions in banning the dance bars, but this has surely backfired. The number of women who were tricked or forced into this trade are increasing. This also has led to "passing the parcel" to other states/ cities. This was bound to happen. Not to mention the rise of "foreign" origin (read bangladeshis) people coming to the city in search of "work", and now this. I think the government has all the machinery and brains and statistical data to find a solution and it is about time, it brings a rabbit out of its hat.I am keeping my fingers crossed. until then, watch where you go girl, my the force be with you!
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